четверг, 28 ноября 2013 г.


Are traditions important ?
     Yes, they are important, but the first what is tradition ?
      Tradition  is something that we pass from generation to another. For example celbrate New Year. It is very old holiday, but all people in the world celebrate New Year, this is tradition. Also tradition this is not only holydays. It can be consuetude. For example in my family,  my parents must call me at 9 oclock p.m. they are do it every day, ofcourse if i am not at home and this is tradition in my family.
     I think traditions are important, because without them, our life will be boring. You must onljy imagine, what will be without holidays, or without weekends and vacations. Every week you must go to school in saturday or sunday. Summer and you must wake up at 7 oclo a.m. in saturday and go to school. What can be more worse.
     So in my opinion traditions are important.

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