четверг, 28 ноября 2013 г.


Are traditions important ?
     Yes, they are important, but the first what is tradition ?
      Tradition  is something that we pass from generation to another. For example celbrate New Year. It is very old holiday, but all people in the world celebrate New Year, this is tradition. Also tradition this is not only holydays. It can be consuetude. For example in my family,  my parents must call me at 9 oclock p.m. they are do it every day, ofcourse if i am not at home and this is tradition in my family.
     I think traditions are important, because without them, our life will be boring. You must onljy imagine, what will be without holidays, or without weekends and vacations. Every week you must go to school in saturday or sunday. Summer and you must wake up at 7 oclo a.m. in saturday and go to school. What can be more worse.
     So in my opinion traditions are important.

среда, 13 ноября 2013 г.


A Bio-Patch Regrows Bone Inside the Body

Researchers from the University of Iowa have developed a remarkable new procedure for regenerating missing or damaged bone. It's called a "bio patch" -- and it works by sending bone-producing instructions directly into cells using microscopic particles embedded with DNA.
In experiments, the gene-encoding patch has already regrown bone fully enough to cover skull wounds in test animals. It has also stimulated new growth in human bone marrow stromal cells. Eventually, the patch could be used to repair birth defects involving missing bone around the head or face. It could also help dentists rebuild bone in areas which provides a concrete-like foundation for implants.

Bank Your Stem Cells For Future Use

Meditation certainly helps to calm the nerves. But can that calm translate to actual, measurable healing? Laci looks at whether meditation is real medicine.
To create the bio patch, a research team led by Satheesh Elangovan delivered bone-producing instructions to existing bone cells inside a living body, which allowed those cell to produce the required proteins for more bone production. This was accomplished by using a piece of DNA that encodes for a platelet-derived growth factor called PDGF-B. Previous research relied on repeated applications from the outside, but they proved costly, intensive, and more difficult to replicate with any kind of consistency.
"We delivered the DNA to the cells, so that the cells produce the protein and that's how the protein is generated to enhance bone regeneration," explained Aliasger Salem in a statement. "If you deliver just the protein, you have keep delivering it with continuous injections to maintain the dose. With our method, you get local, sustained expression over a prolonged period of time without having to give continued doses of protein." Salem is a professor in the College of Pharmacy.

While performing the procedure, the researchers made a collagen scaffold in the actual shape and size of the bone defect. The patch, which was loaded with synthetically created plasmids and outfitted with the genetic instructions for building bone did the rest, achieving complete regeneration that matched the shape of what should have been there. This was followed by inserting the scaffold onto the missing area. Four weeks is usually all that it took -- growing 44-times more bone and soft tissue in the affected areas compared to just the scaffold alone.
"The delivery mechanism is the scaffold loaded with the plasmid," Salem says. "When cells migrate into the scaffold, they meet with the plasmid, they take up the plasmid, and they get the encoding to start producing PDGF-B, which enhances bone regeneration."

Headset Gives Doctors Virtual X-Ray Vision

The researchers also note that the delivery system is nonviral, meaning that the plasmid is not likely to cause an undesired immune response, and that it's easier to mass produce, which lowers the cost.

Task 1 : Read the article chose TRUE, FALSE or NO INFORMATION .

1) Researchers have developed a remarkable new procedure for regenerating damaged skin.
2) The gene-encoding patch has already regrown bone fully enough to cover skull wounds in test animals.
3) This was accomplished by using a piece of DNA that encodes for a platelet-derived growth factor called PGDF-B.
4) Scientists delivered the DNA to the cells, so that the cells produce the protein and that's how the protein is generated to enhance skin regeneration.
5) Salem is co-corresponding author on the paper.
6) Seven weeks is usually all that it took -- growing 44-times more bone and soft tissue in the affected areas compared to just the scaffold alone.
7)cells migrate into the scaffold, they meet with the plasmid, they take up the plasmid, and they get the encoding to start producing PDGF-B, which enhances bone regeneration.
8)Article is about "Bio Patch"

среда, 30 октября 2013 г.


The name of my article is "Are Mobile Phones Taking Over Our Lives?"
 The article is written by Bethan Morgan and it published in learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org.
 This article is about smartphone and how much time we spend for smartphone and mobile phones. Author say that people use their phones everywhere and everytime. They are listening music, plaing games, chatting with friends and calling.
Author say that people spend too much time on their mobiles and not enough time talking to people ‘in real life’. Author think that people must being free from the internet.
 The author come to the coclusion that be without smartphone better, because people must talk more with another people in real world, not in social networks.
 I agree with the author, because whenn i look around i see that how much people use their phones, thei are playing, reading or chating with friends, but they are dont talk wit another people and this is a realy big problem.

среда, 3 апреля 2013 г.

Task: Write a friendly note to a careless cousin who climb to the top of a volcano.

  Dear cousin ,
       How are you ?
       Mom told me that you are going on a trip to the volcano. I have some advice for you. Ride to Mount Vesuvius. There is very beautiful town and large crater of the volcano. Near the volcano there is a road for cars, hotel and restaurant. Also there is a tour for group of the tourists.
        I know you are careless man. So be careful there. Take yourself first aid kit and bаndages.
Watch your step and try not to fall down into the crater.
        I want to go with you but i can not. Sorry about this.
        Good luck
        Your cousin Slava.   

вторник, 19 февраля 2013 г.

Dear Teacher 
 Thanks you for invite to www.worldeducationgames.com. that is very interested site, there are intresting games with people in another countries, and i like it. 
 Register in there not hard , but they are want a lot of personal information. For example my mobile number.   I think it is not need.
 I hope in future this site will change him register, and i want to more customize my character. 
Best wishes. 
Your student 10 class Dovzhich Vyacheslav